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アメリカ空軍専用戦闘服 ABU (Airman Battle uniform )です、プロトタイプは2003年にベトナム戦争時代のタイガーストライプを参考にして開発されます、アメリカ4軍は以前と違いそれぞれの軍で独自の迷彩服を開発、着用するようになります、

ABUはデザインはタイガーストライプ柄を参考にし色はグレー ブルーを基調にします、これはその後のトライアルにおいて決定されますが現在の色はかなり薄いグレー ブルーを使用し人間の目につきにくい(印象に残りにくい)色になっています、ポケット等のデザインは以前のウッドランド迷彩のデザインに近いですね、イラク アフガニスタンに派遣された空軍兵士が当初はACU(Army Combat Uniform アメリカ陸軍用戦闘服)を支給されていましたが収能力の低さ使い勝手の悪さ等から評判が良くなく、空軍独自の戦闘服には以前と同じデザインが採用されたわけです、変更されたところと言えるのは左袖部にペンポケットが追加されたぐらいですね、

生地はナイロン 50% コットン 50%の比率で生地はかなり厚手です、これは砂漠での使用を前提に考えられていませんので今後は薄手の生地でノンリップタイプも順次支給されるようです、


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Airman Battle Uniform (ABU)
USAF アメリカ空軍専用 ABUジャケット
The prototype of the Airman Battle Uniform (ABU) was developed in 2003 based on the Tiger Stripes of the Vietnam War era, but unlike before, each of the four U.S. armed forces has developed its own camouflage uniform. The ABU's design was based on the Tiger Stripe pattern, but the color was based on gray-blue, which was decided in subsequent trials, but the current color is a much lighter gray-blue, which is less visible (less memorable) to the human eye. Air Force soldiers dispatched to Iraq and Afghanistan were initially issued the ACU (Army Combat Uniform), but it was not well received due to its low capacity and poor usability, so the same design as before was adopted for the Air Force's own combat uniform. The only thing that changed was the addition of a pen pocket on the left sleeve. Also, USAF uniforms do not use Velcro at all, they are closed by buttons, while ACU and other uniforms use Velcro on most pockets. Velcro is strong enough to close when it is relatively new, but the adhesive strength weakens with repeated washing, etc. On the other hand, buttons can be used as is for a long time, so the cost may have been taken into consideration. The fabric is quite thick with a ratio of 50% nylon and 50% cotton, but this is not designed for desert use, so it seems that a non-rip type with a thinner fabric will be supplied in the future. The tiger stripes that are a big feature of the ABU are still cool in terms of design, but in terms of camouflage, is there any camouflage effect? However, I think the fact that the Tiger Stripe has been adopted as the Air Force's own camouflage uniform will have a positive impact on morale. The ABU was first issued to Air Force cadets in 2007, and is currently being replaced by the ABU.
As you can see from the picture, unlike the ACU (Army Combat Uniform), everything is buttoned up
ABU tiger stripe camouflage proximity photo